Oct 18-19, 2019  ·  San Antonio, TX
Texas Camp 2019

Avoiding Burnout: Sometimes It Pays To Be The Hare

Being Human
Skill Level
Saturday 10/19/2019

In the old fable, "The Tortoise and the Hare", the tortoise wins the race by moving slow and steady while the hare loses despite his speed due to the numerous breaks/naps he takes. What if I told you by being more like the hare you can not only win the race but also avoid developer burnout? Join me for an hour as we discover signs of developer burnout and the strategy that I have employed over the past 15 years to not only pull myself out of developer burnout but many times avoid it altogether. This strategy allows for healthy work/life balance but still maintain a healthy output of software development. Learn how to: -- Work productively in short focused sprints throughout the day/week. -- Determine the signs of burnout most applicable to you and your personality type. -- Prioritize an appropriate amount of fun amid quickly approaching deadlines and other work pressures. -- Recognize signs of burnout in your coworkers to help them avoid it as well.

Tyler Ashbaugh

Tyler Ashbaugh has been a web developer for over 15 years involved primarily in enterprise class projects leveraging the Microsoft stack. In more recent years he has been pushing Drupal to new limits by deploying it to Windows Servers using SQL Server as the database. He's a remote worker that believes in work/life balance, staying healthy and solving the web's toughest problems. His passions include his family, gadgets of any kind and helping others. This is a new presentation, but will be presenting it to my coworkers prior to Texas Camp.