Oct 18-19, 2019  ·  San Antonio, TX
Texas Camp 2019

How to do the splits, Even if you are not flexible!

Skill Level
Saturday 10/19/2019

http://i.imgur.com/RJwBhxT.gifv Since the dawn of Drupal 8 and its fantastic Configuration Management system, we required an excellent way to inject this into our development workflows. Enter the Config Splits module, and we finally had an answer, or did we? Config Splits have given us a way to involve CMI in our dev workflows, including local, dev, stage, prod, and any other environments that may exist in your project most of the documentation seem to be pretty straightforward. However, when it came to documenting these workflows for several customers, I came to realize that not all concepts around Configuration Splits and Management are clear. The goal of this talk is to be a beginner's guide to Configuration Management using Config Splits, based on the experience of several customers with varied needs. In this talk, we are going over some necessary and essential points in CM Workflows: - Configuration Management as it works in Core. - The basic concepts of Config Splits. - How tools, like Acquia BLT, have defined particular workflows using Config Splits. - What are Other possible workflows for different use cases? - When using Config Splits don't make sense. - What challenges we have found with my customers. - Some lessons learned and conclusions after creating different CM Workflows.

Carlos Ospina

A Systems Engineer since 1995, Carlos moved to the US in 2007 to be a Bilingual Teacher and became a Martial Arts Instructor as well. In 2012 Carlos started using Drupal and participating in our community. Even having the opportunity to help organize DrupalCon Latin America in Bogota. Carlos has presented in: - DrupalPicchu 2014. - Drupal Camp Costa Rica 2017. - Texas Camp 2018. Since 2015 Carlos has been a TAM at Acquia helping customers with their Drupal projects that range from small to large sites. Helping these customers create their roadmaps, workflows, and project strategies.