Oct 18-19, 2019  ·  San Antonio, TX
Texas Camp 2019

The Sunny Side of SAML

Skill Level
Saturday 10/19/2019

Leveraging the simplesamlphp_auth module to enable a Drupal 7/8 site to support SSO can be a daunting task for a beginner. Where do I start? I don't know what I don't know, so how can I even get started? How can I see what is going on behind the scenes? How do I debug this locally? What is SAML metadata? Spend an hour with me as I share with you how I have answered these and many other questions while working with simplesamlphp and System Administrator teams to go FTW with SAML based SSO. Walk away with knowing the basics of: -- Setting up simplesamlphp as a Service Provider -- Setting up simplesamlphp as an Identity Provider -- Common pitfalls of enabling SSO in Drupal 7/8 -- How to see the handshakes and assertions of SAML between SP and IDP -- How to plugin to the simplesamlphp community -- How to leverage the metadata asserted via SAML in a Drupal module. -- How to dynamically deploy simplesamlphp as a Service Provider without hard coding your configurations for each environment.

Tyler Ashbaugh

Tyler Ashbaugh has been a web developer for over 15 years involved primarily in enterprise class projects leveraging the Microsoft stack. In more recent years he has been pushing Drupal to new limits by deploying it to Windows Servers using SQL Server as the database. He's a remote worker that believes in work/life balance, staying healthy and solving the web's toughest problems. His passions include his family, gadgets of any kind and helping others. I have given this presentation about three times in the past four years, each time with an audience of about 10 or so developers. This is an updated version of that presentation to include additional things learned through experience and to include Drupal 8.